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9-12 Programming

At eDCSD Online, we provide options for both full-time and part-time student enrollment. Full-time students would take 5 or more classes with us while part-time students would take 1-2 classes with us while still attending classes at their brick and mortar school. For specific information regarding our Base and Summit programs, see below.  

Base Programming 

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Mission: The mission of eDCSD’s Base program is to provide students who are at risk of not graduating from high school or have a barrier hindering their ability to be successful in a traditional school setting with a blended learning opportunity so they can progress towards completion of a diploma. Students, in collaboration with a team that targets the needs of the whole student, will engage in their learning in order to become responsible and productive citizens in their community.

Goal: The goal of Base is to effectively utilize personalized programming using targeted academic and social-emotional intervention to help students develop a strong foundation. As students become more independent learners and demonstrate success, their learning pathway becomes more autonomous and flexible. Ultimately, the goal is that with appropriate supports, student’s progress through the levels of Base and towards eDCSD’s Summit Program and/or a diploma from their neighborhood school.



Base Expectations




Summit Programming

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Mission: To effectively utilize World Class methodologies to help students acquire 21st-century skills and a strong educational foundation through a personalized approach. Students, in collaboration with a team that targets the needs of the whole student, become responsible citizens who contribute to our society and lead meaningful and productive lives.

Goal: The goal of eDCSD’s Summit program is to effectively utilize personalized programming using targeted academic and social-emotional intervention to help students develop a strong foundation. As students become more independent learners and demonstrate success, their learning pathway becomes more autonomous and flexible. Ultimately, the goal is that with appropriate supports, student’s progress through their classes and graduate high school. 


Summit Expectations